Microsoft 365 SCIM Integration

Step 1: Create an API Key for SCIM in Blacksmith

  1. Log Into Blacksmith InfoSec
  2. Add a new API Key
    • Click +New Key
    • Enter “SCIM Provisioning” in the Purpose
    • Click Save

  1. Copy the Client Key

Step 2: Register Your SCIM Application in Azure AD

  1. Log into Azure Portal:
  2. Create a New Enterprise Application:
    • Go to Applications > Enterprise applications > New application.

    • Select Create your own application.

    • Enter a name for your SCIM application and select Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery.

    • Click Create at the bottom of the screen
  1. Provisioning Configuration:
    • Once the application is created, go to Provisioning.

    • Set Provisioning mode to Automatic.

  1. Test Connection
    • Click on Test Connection to ensure Azure AD can communicate with your SCIM endpoint. This will validate the URL and credentials.
    • Once the test results are successful click Save

  1. Configure Alerts and Accidental Deletion:
    • Expand Settings
    • Check the box for Send an email notification when a failure occurs.
    • Enter an email address for where alerts should be sent to for example
    • Check the box for Prevent Accidental deletion.
    • Set the threshold for accidental deletion, our recommendation is 10.

    • Click Save

  1. Assign Users or Groups
    • Click Users and groups
    • Select Add user/group

    • Select None Selected

    • Assign the Users or Groups you want synced to Blacksmith InfoSec.
    • Click Assign
  1. Start Provisioning
    • Click on Overview
    • Click on Start provisioning

    • Click Refresh to make sure the initial cycle completed.