Connectwise Integration

Configure ConnectWise

  1. Log into ConnectWise
  2. Click on System

  1. Click Security Roles

  1. Click to add a new Security Role
  2. Enter “Blacksmith Integration” for the Role ID
  3. Select the following role permissions
Category Subcategory Add Level Edit Level Delete Level Inquire Level
Companies Company Maintenance None None None All
Project Close Project Tickets None My None My
Project Project Headers My My None My
Project Project Phase My My None My
Project Project Scheduling My My None My
Project Project Ticket Tasks My My None My
Project Project Tickets My My None My
Service Desk Close Service Tickets None All None All


  1. Click to Save
  2. Click on System

  1. Click on Members

  1. Click on API Members Tab

  1. Click to add a new API Member
    1. Enter “Blacksmith” for Member ID
    2. Enter “Blacksmith InfoSec” for Member Name
    3. Select “Blacksmith Integration” for the Role Member
    4. Select a Location and Business Unit based on your organizational setup.
    5. Click to Save

  2. Click on API Keys Tab

  1. Click to add a new API Key
  2. Enter “Blacksmith Integration” for the Description
  3. Note down your Public Key and Private Key
  4. Click to Save

Configure Blacksmith InfoSec

  1. Log into Blacksmith InfoSec
    1. Browse to
  2. Click Edit Connection

  1. Select ConnectWise from the drop down menu
  2. Configure the ConnectWise Inegration
    1. Enter the Site from the URL of ConnectWise for example if your ConnectWise URL is enter
  3. Enter your ConnectWise Company ID
  4. Enter your Public API Key and Private API Key created in Step 14 of configuring ConnectWise.
  5. Click Test Connection

  1. You should receive the below message:

  1. You should receive the below message:

  1. You should receive the below message:

  1. Select the Project Board where you want the projects created
  2. Select the New Ticket Status
  3. Select the Project Type
  4. Enter a Notification Email (This email will be used to send API notification emails if there are any issues