Empowering MSPs to Elevate SMB Cybersecurity with Blacksmith InfoSec

Cybersecurity continues to be a top concern for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs). Yet, the complexity leaves them unsure of how to get started and the cost means they can’t afford to be comprehensive in their approach. This leads to failure to launch or patchy coverage, which in turn leaves them vulnerable. This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can step up and help their clients craft strong security programs leading to increased customer satisfaction, lower numbers of incidents, and increased revenue. According to Aviva, a cyber insurance provider, “Only 17% have a cyber insurance policy.” According to Delinea’s State of Cyber Insurance Report 28% of small companies were denied coverage due to a lack of controls and policies (stay tuned for more on cyber insurance in our next post).  By partnering with Blacksmith InfoSec, MSPs have a unique opportunity to provide tools to their clients to build a formal cybersecurity program that sets their clients up to grow their business with peace of mind. In parallel, Blacksmith gives an MSP the tools it needs to reclassify itself as an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) and offer even more value-added service to its client base.

How can MSPs develop SMB cybersecurity programs?

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a pivotal role in developing cybersecurity programs with SMBs who often lack the resources and expertise to effectively implement the controls they need to stay safe. The cybersecurity landscape is rapidly evolving, and attackers are utilizing AI to become more sophisticated. Given this challenge, MSPs need to step in as a crucial line of defense, offering specialized knowledge, continuous monitoring, and proactive threat management services. These services are essential for SMBs. Good MSPs not only manage and secure their clients’ IT infrastructure but also instill a culture of security awareness. This comprehensive approach ensures that SMBs are protected against current threats and are prepared for future vulnerabilities, allowing them to navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

Moreover, MSPs act as strategic partners to SMBs, providing tailored cybersecurity strategies that align with each business’s specific needs, industry regulations, and risk profiles. By employing advanced tools and technologies, MSPs can offer scalable solutions that grow with their clients, ensuring that cybersecurity measures remain robust as businesses expand. This level of customization and scalability is particularly important for SMBs, which often operate with limited budgets and cannot afford the one-size-fits-all solutions designed for larger enterprises. Through their expertise and dedicated support, MSPs enable SMBs to focus on their core business functions, secure in the knowledge that their cybersecurity posture is strong, adaptive, and aligned with best practices. This indispensable partnership between MSPs and SMBs not only enhances the security of individual businesses but also contributes to the overall resilience of the digital economy.

Bridging the Cybersecurity Solution Gap

The market is flooded with cybersecurity tools and platforms designed with large enterprises in mind, featuring complexity and price points that are out of reach for the average SMB. This disparity creates a service gap that MSPs can fill with the right partner. Blacksmith InfoSec stands out as the ideal solution for MSPs looking to offer customizable, scalable, and affordable cybersecurity services to their SMB clients.

Key Features of Blacksmith InfoSec for MSPs:
  • 📜 Security Policy Templates: Tailor security policies to fit the specific needs of each SMB client, ensuring compliance and protection without overburdening their resources and causing change fatigue.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Annual Training Modules: Equip SMB clients with the knowledge they need to recognize and prevent cyber threats, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness.
  • 📈 Learning Management System: Help your clients track police acknowledgement and training.
  • ⚠️ Comprehensive Risk Management: Maintain an up-to-date log of identified risks, completed actions, and ongoing security tasks, streamlining cybersecurity management for MSPs and their clients.
  • ✅ Cybersecurity Roadmap: Quickly deploy a security roadmap to get your clients on the road to a healthy security program.

Leveraging Blacksmith InfoSec to Protect SMB Clients

Integrating Blacksmith InfoSec into MSPs cybersecurity strategies offers a significant advantage in bolstering the defenses of SMBs against cyber threats. Tailored specifically to meet the unique cybersecurity needs of SMBs, Blacksmith InfoSec delivers scalable, comprehensive, and cost-effective security solutions. By adopting Blacksmith InfoSec, MSPs can equip their SMB clients with customizable security policies, automated risk assessments, and engaging annual cybersecurity training. These key features empower MSPs to devise bespoke security strategies that not only mitigate specific vulnerabilities facing each SMB but also promote a widespread culture of cybersecurity awareness. Consequently, SMBs benefit from access to high-level security resources and expertise, enabling them to fortify their defenses against sophisticated cyber threats, with the reassurance of having protection tailored to their specific needs.

Furthermore, Blacksmith InfoSec enhances cybersecurity management for MSPs and their clients through its detailed risk register and prioritized security tasks. This strategic approach facilitates effective risk identification, monitoring, and resolution, thereby streamlining the cybersecurity maintenance process. For MSPs, this capability underscores their value proposition by offering visible, measurable improvements in security posture to their SMB clients. SMBs, in turn, can concentrate on their core operational growth, confident in the knowledge that their cyber risks are being expertly managed. Ultimately, Blacksmith InfoSec simplifies cybersecurity, enabling MSPs to broaden their service offerings and affirm their role as critical, trusted partners in their clients’ ongoing success. This synergy not only demystifies cybersecurity for SMBs but also positions MSPs as pivotal in safeguarding the digital frontier for the SMB sector.

Success Stories

Consider the case of an MSP which recently implemented Blacksmith InfoSec to enhance the cybersecurity framework for a small financial institution. The MSP’s client had been exposed to potential cyber threats due to inadequate security measures. Previously, this financial institution faced challenges in securing cyber insurance due to these security gaps and wasn’t sure where to begin. Through the deployment of Blacksmith InfoSec, the MSP developed a customized security program that was specifically aligned with the financial institution’s unique needs. This program included establishing robust security policies, assisting them in conducting a risk assessment, and rolling out comprehensive cybersecurity training for the institution’s employees. This training was crucial in equipping the staff with the necessary knowledge to identify and mitigate cyber threats, significantly bolstering the institution’s cybersecurity defenses.

The outcome of this partnership was significant. The financial institution not only upgraded its cybersecurity defenses but also succeeded in meeting the stringent requirements for cyber insurance, a critical achievement for any financial entity. This success underscored the MSP’s strategic approach and the effectiveness of Blacksmith InfoSec in addressing the specific cybersecurity needs of small financial institutions. Additionally, this case study served as a powerful testament to the MSP’s expertise in enhancing cybersecurity measures, enabling them to attract additional clients within the financial sector seeking to improve their cybersecurity posture and obtain cyber insurance.

Next Steps

The partnership between MSPs and Blacksmith InfoSec represents a powerful alliance in the fight against cyber threats targeting SMBs. By offering scalable, affordable, and effective cybersecurity solutions, MSPs can significantly enhance their service offerings, providing SMBs with the protection they need to thrive. In turn, MSPs can grow their own businesses by meeting the increasing demand for cybersecurity expertise and services.

Now is the time for MSPs to consider how integrating Blacksmith InfoSec into their portfolios can not only safeguard their SMB clients but also differentiate their services in a competitive market. Together, we can ensure that SMBs no longer have to navigate the cyber threat landscape alone.  Schedule a meeting with us to discuss how Blacksmith can help MSP’s provide better services and build trust with their clients while growing their engagements.